게임/와우 애드온
[통합가방 애드온] Bagnon
2009. 3. 12. 11:11
통합 가방 애드온인 Bagnon 입니다.
주요 기능으로는 가방 통합 표시, 은행 통합 표시, 가방 내 아이템 검색, 아이템 등급별 색상 표시, 계정 내 다른 캐릭터의 가방 보기, 계정 내 다른 캐릭터의 가방 및 은행의 아이템 수량 표시 기능이 있습니다.
애드온 다운로드
제작자의 애드온 설명
In short, Bagnon is a group of addons that improve the way the player manages his or her inventory.
- Bagnon: Displays your inventory and bank in single frames.
- Bagnon_Forever: Optional, allows you to view your bank, and the inventory of any of your other characters from anywhere.
- Bagnon_Tooltips: Optional, tells you on item tooltips which characters of yours have the item, and where
- Bagnon_Options: A load on demand options menu
- A single, customizable display for your inventory and one for your bank
- Color coded item slots and borders
- Ammo and Soul Bag item slots are colored yellow
- Profession bag slots are colored green
- Keyring slots are colored orange
- The borders for items are color coded based by their quality
- Can view the bank and inventory of your characters from anywhere.
- When enabled, Bagnon should be fully integrated into the UI.
- Bindings can be set to show or hide the your inventory or bank
- The slash commands /bgn bags and /bgn bank can also toggle the display of your bags or bank
- Double click the title of your inventory or bank to search. Searches recognize both the names of items, and any item type, subtype, or equipment location.
- When unlocked, simply click and drag on the title portion of the frame (<Player's> <Bank | Inventory>)
Hiding a Bag
- Click a bag within your inventory or bank to toggle the visibility of the items contained within it
- Right click on the title portion of your inventory or bank. A menu will pop up with a bunch of options for modifying the appearance of the frame.
- From here, you can do things like change the frame's background color, layer, scale, or opacity
- To configure general settings, use /bgn menu
Slash Commands
- Commands can start with either /bagnon or /bgn.
- /bgn bags - Toggle the display of your inventory
- /bgn bank - Toggle the display of your bank